Maternal and Infant Health

SB 1135 (2024)

SB 1135 transfers the Choosing Childbirth Act/Fund to a newly created revolving fund under OSDH

SB 744 (2023)

SB 744 allows SoonerCare coverage of breast milk in limited circumstances.

STI Incidence in Adolescents

STI Incidence in Adolescents STI Incidence in Adolescents Data highlight There is no singular rate for all Sexually Transmitted Infections

Teen Contraception Use

Teen Condom Usage Teen Condom Usage Data highlight Oklahoma ranks 26th out of 43 reporting states. Kansas indicated the highest

SB 538 (2023)

SB 538 allows the Dept. of Health to access Choosing Childbirth funds

HB 1788 (2023)

HB 1788 would grant a temporary tax credit for money given to crisis pregnancy centers.

HB 3120 (2024)

HB 3120 mandates sex ed be opt-in, removes community educators, and rewrites sex ed curriculum.