
Just can’t get us out of your head.

Policy in Pink - Social (2)

Doula access… let me count the ways (with Omare Jimmerson)
What’s one way to improve maternal health outcomes? According to Omare Jimmerson, it’s community doulas and a fiercely passionate team (and probably a couple of calming breaths). Omare and the Tulsa Birth Equity Initiative have long espoused the benefits of community doulas, and last year they achieved a milestone many had only hoped for: SoonerCare coverage for doula services. (party fog horn noise). Listen in to find out what a doula is and learn all about the initiatives underway by TBEI to improve maternal health in Tulsa (and hopefully throughout all of Oklahoma).

Policy in Pink - Social (1)

Something about the grocery tax (with Emma Morris)
Oklahoma’s 5-year long will-they-won’t-they relationship with cutting the grocery tax is exhausting. But now that it’s passed, is cutting the tax all rainbows and sunshine like it sounds? Of course not. When is policy ever that easy? But that’s why Emma Morris (formerly with OK Policy) graciously sat down with me to “check-out” the budget impacts of cutting the taxes and how targeted alternatives can better help Oklahoma families.

Podcast Thumbnails (2)

Don Your Pink Jacket!
The Oklahoma capitol is a full-on Monet. Picturesque from afar, but it’s a big old mess up close and inside. And who better than to glide through the bustle than your favorite hot pink women’s health policy enthusiast–Metriarch! Every other week (mostly), we’ll bring you the context of proposed bills and policies by asking…wait for it…the people doing the work! Legislators are making crucial decisions, yet public input is only possible via an email to our elected leaders. Policy in Pink is the megaphone to blast the full story of policy issues from experts’ mouths. Catch up with the recent women’s health policy news in Oklahoma and soak in the expertise on the most discussed issues in the state. It’s a policy podcast, it’s pink, it’s scented, and it’s definitely got something a little extra.