Mental Health

SB 1058 (2025)

SB 1058 requires mental health screenings during the postpartum period.

HB 2248 (2025)

HB 2248 creates pilot programs for substance use prison diversion in rural areas.

Teen Suicide Rate

Teen Suicide Rate Data highlight 18 per 100,000 Oklahomans aged 15-19 commit suicide, which puts the state at 37th for

SB 1798 (2024)

SB 1798 establishes that mental health is not a medical emergency for abortion.

Built Environment

Built Environment Data highlight Oklahoma ranks 48 (of 50) in access to basic neighborhood amenities like parks and libraries. Colorado

ACEs Reported

ACEs Reported Data highlight Oklahoma ranks 41 (out of 50) for percentage of children having experienced 2+ Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). New

Intimate Partner Violence

Intimate Partner Violence Data highlight Oklahoma ranks 39 (out of 51) for the rate at which women experience intimate partner

Female Incarceration

Female Incarceration Data highlight Oklahoma no longer has the highest female incarceration in the world, a title we held for years.

Sexual Violence

Sexual Violence Data highlight In 2022, Oklahoma ranked 8th out of 50 for the rate of rapes in the US.

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety Data highlight Oklahoma ranks 40 (out of 50). Hawaii is #1, with the lowest percentage of women