SB 1491

An Act relating to sexually transmitted infections; amending 63 O.S. 2021, Section 1-522, which relates to treatment without prescription; providing certain exception; updating statutory language; defining terms; authorizing provision of expedited partner therapy under certain conditions; requiring provision of certain counseling; providing certain protections from civil liability and disciplinary action; specifying information to be included in certain materials; authorizing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date. (SCS )



2024 Regular Session


Questions were raised around allergic reactions if a sexual partner is not required to talk to a provider. Two OB/GYNs were brought to the podium and reinforced that this practice is permitted in 46 other states and pilot programs in Oklahoma did not yield adverse reactions. 

February 8, 2024

Clinicians can prescribe STI treatments for a person's sexual partner without the partner needing a visit with a clinician. Only available if the initial person tests positive for an STI. Commonly called "expedited partner therapy."

February 8, 2024
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