HB 3955

An Act relating to childbirth and mental health; amending 63 O.S. 2021, Section 1-740.16, which relates to definitions used in the Choosing Childbirth Act; modifying definition; amending 63 O.S. 2021, Section 1-740.17, which relates to grants to private organizations for services; modifying grantmaking authority of the State Department of Health; describing methods of making grants and approving grant amounts; stipulating additional reimbursable services; extending time period of certain services; including the State Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; amending 63 O.S. 2021, Section 1-740.18, which relates to grant compliance and monitoring; conforming language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency. (FIL )

Failed to Progress

Failed to Progress

2024 Regular Session


Modifies how the Choosing Childbirth Act fund is dispersed. Direct access to the funds given to the Health Department (OSDH) and Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Expands the types of services that the funding can go towards, explicitly programs that assist pregnant people with substance use disorder. 

January 25, 2024
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